truth / The Infect Campaign 2006
Posted November 09, 2009 / truth / The Infect Campaign 2006
In 2001, well before Web 2.0 or Social Media – back before “viral” was a marketing buzzword – the truth brand embarked on a campaign we called, “Infect.”
The idea: Tobacco companies have billions of dollars to spread their message, but we’ve got each other. The objective: Give young people information about Big Tobacco and the deadly, addictive products they sell. Then empower those young people to take that information out into the world and spread it.
The “Infect” model became a sort of touchstone for the truth brand – establishing a set of guiding principles to which those of us who worked on truth have held ourselves ever since. At its best, truth is still about young people, out in public places, spreading information about Big Tobacco in simple, creative ways.
In 2006, truth touched the stone once again with a second round of the Infect campaign.